About Fred Johnson

Fred Johnson Full Name: Fred Johnson
Website: https://australianbettingsites.org
More Info: Fred Johnson is an avid sports betting enthusiast and a qualified journalist. He discovered online betting while at college, and it piqued his interest.
Fred has found a way to combine his love of sports and betting with his journalism career, and he always has his finger on the pulse of what’s happening in every arena. He’s not only keen on sports of all kinds, he is set on providing readers with an unbalanced, unbiased view of what’s going on in the world. He’s a valuable member of the australianbettingsites.org team, and brings a wealth of expertise to the table.

Post by Fred Johnson

State of Origin Advertisement Battle

There has been some controversy over advertisement between two large, well-known Australian beer brewers, both who have wanted to represent their products at State of Origin. It has been revealed ….