Chris Froome Allowed To Stay in Tour de France

July 4, 2018 by

British cyclist Chris Froome has been given the go-ahead to stay in the race thanks to Tour de France officials. This comes after news that Froome was originally banned from the event after some issues with alleged doping, specifically of a drug primarily used to treat chronic asthma.

Director of the Tour de France, Christian Prudhomme has confirmed with reporters that the Amaury Sports Organisation will no longer seek to ban Froome from taking part in the upcoming race, as he was cleared by the International Cycling Union. Prudhomme has said that although the charges have been dropped, he hopes that decisions of a similar nature will not be made at the last minute in the future.

The director went on to say that he was disappointed that a verdict for the alleged doping, which had originally taken place in September, came just as the Tour de France was set to start. He added that the climate among the cyclists and the organisers was not pleasant while they waited for the verdict, and that they were eventually forced to go the court of arbitration to resolve the matter.

Froome was originally meant to have his case reviewed by the French National Olympic Committee, but their hearing was overturned by the International Cycling Union, whose authority overrides both the Olympic Committee and the Amaury Sports Organisation. The decision has been net with some outcry, but the cyclist will continue to race.

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Fred Johnson

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Fred Johnson is an avid sports betting enthusiast and a qualified journalist. He discovered online betting while at college, and it piqued his interest.
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