State of Origin Advertisement Battle

July 2, 2018 by

There has been some controversy over advertisement between two large, well-known Australian beer brewers, both who have wanted to represent their products at State of Origin.

It has been revealed that after a lengthy Federal Court injunction, Carlton United Breweries was forced to pull all of its State of Origin advertisement stock out of stores across the country. Their main rival, Lion Beer, has been issued the rights to advertise for the famous rugby tournament.

Tooheys News and XXXX are official sponsors of the New South Wales Blues as well as the Queensland Maroon, while opponent Carlton United Breweries’ Carlton Dry has been the official beer for the State of Origin.

The problem came in, however, when many of the marketing posters put up by CUB in various liquor stores around Australia contained both former NSW and QLD players, which the companies had hired as mascots for their marketing campaign.

The Lions than issued a Federal injunction to have the posters removed from the liquor stores, which they subsequently won, and the Lions were forced by the court to remove the advertisements completely or put down stickers over the Carlton Dry logos so that they were not viewable by the public.

James Brindley, the Lion Beer Australian managing director, had sent out an email warning of the court’s decision, which was picked up and distributed to liquor stores in the country. He also said that representatives from Lion Beer would be around to fix the problem.

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Fred Johnson

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Fred Johnson is an avid sports betting enthusiast and a qualified journalist. He discovered online betting while at college, and it piqued his interest.
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